Chaw tsim tshuaj paus zoo tus nqi magnesium sulfate anhydrate CAS: 7487-88-8-9
Kev piav txog
Kws Tshuaj yog siv ua cov tshuaj Laxatives, vim tias nws tuaj yeem nce cov dej hauv plab hnyuv thiab ua rau muaj cov roj ntsha plab thiab ua rau cov hnyuv plab hnyuv ntxiag. Siv rau cem quav, tshem tawm cov tshuaj lom txoj hnyuv thiab cov tshuaj txeej. Thiab siv rau gallstone. Nws kuj tseem siv rau kev lag luam lag luam xws li tingling, hluav taws kub, chiv, papermaking, porcelain, luam ntawv thiab dyeing. Muaj ntuj tsim. Nws tuaj yeem ua los ntawm magnesium oxide, magroxide metric polroxide lossis magnesium carbonate.
Magnesium sulfate yog ib qho zoo tagnrho cov khoom siv rau kev tsim khoom sib txuas chiv. Nws tuaj yeem suav nrog cov kev sib xyaw los yog cov chiv ua ke raws li cov kev xav tau sib txawv, lossis sib xyaw nrog qee yam lossis ntau dua cov khoom lossis ntau dua. Chiv, uas muaj cov magnesium, yog qhov haum rau cov kua qaub acidic, peat av thiab av av. After nine types of farmers, such as rubber trees, fruit trees, tobacco leaves, bean vegetables, potatoes, and cereals, the field fertilization comparison test of the fields of the fields of CHMICALBOOK crops. Magnesium compound chiv tuaj yeem nce cov qoob loo los ntawm 15-50% tshaj li compound chiv yam tsis muaj magnesium. Magnesium sulfate ntawm cov tshuaj paus yog cov tshuaj tua kab mob, magnesium siliconate, Oleancin, Acetylpotomycin, thiab leeg cov leeg tshuaj yav dhau los. Ib qho ntxiv, nws yog siv rau kev lag luam kev kho mob kom tab sis daws cov khoom pov tseg, kom nws ua tau raws li cov qauv polleds.
Txhais lus hais tias, Dryingagent, anhydrous,> = 98.0%
(Kt), hmoov (Heev); magnesiumsulfatevetec (tm) reagentgrade;
Magnesiumsulphatexh2o; mes-sdsbuffer20x; tbstablets; tris-acetate-sdsbuffer10x
Cov ntawv thov ntawm magnesium sulfate anhydrate
1. Hauv kev luam ntawv thiab zas kev lag luam, cov khoom lag luam xiav yog ua kom pom tseeb tias tus neeg saib xyuas hluav taws xob. , cov thawv muab tub lim, thiab cov ntawv nyeem.
2. Txheeb xyuas cov reagent. Desiccant.
3. Cov chav kawm. Cov tshuaj yog siv raws li laxatives. Nws tseem siv rau kev lag luam xws li tingling, tawg, chiv, papermaking, porcelain, luam ntawv thiab dyeing.
4. Nws yog siv los ua cov khoom siv raw rau tsim cov ntsev cov ntsev, uas yog siv cov kws kho tsiaj thiab cov tshuaj kho tsiaj, pub ntxiv, tshuaj chiv, thiab lwm yam.
5. Rau cov txheeb xyuas kev tawm tsam, nws tseem siv hauv kev lag luam hauv chaw kuaj tshuaj thiab luam ntawv thiab cuam tshuam kev lag luam.
6. Magnesium -Free magnesium sulfate feem ntau yog siv nyob rau hauv pub addistives raws li cov nyiaj ntawm magnesium.

Kev qhia tshwj xeeb ntawm magnesium sulfate anhydrate
Sib xyaw | Kev qhia tshwj xeeb |
Kev tshwm sim | Dawb hmoov los yog granule |
Mgo4 | ≥96% |
Tus nyom | ≥32.6% |
Mg | ≥19.8% |
PH (5% daws) | 5.0-9.2 |
Hlau (FE) | I≤0.0015% |
Chloride (CL) | I≤0.014% |
Hnyav Hlau (Ua PB) | I≤0.0008% |
Arsenic (raws li) | I≤0.0002 |
Ntim ntawm magnesium sulfate anhydrate

25kg / hnab
Cia: khaws cia hauv qhov chaw kaw zoo, lub teeb-tiv taus, thiab tiv thaiv los ntawm ya raws.